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About Tracy

Our Founder, Tracy Wildermuth is an experienced Sales Executive that specializes in business development in a variety of industries. Her first endeavour began in the promotional industry, where she created a successful home based business. This served her well as her children were young, but as they grew, so too did the industry which made it difficult to compete with larger corporations. Tracy's next adventure started in the Traffic Safety and Signage industry. Although she was fairly green, her "think outside of the box" attitude assisted her to become known as the Bylaw Specialist within the Property Management and Construction fields. She made it her prime objective to provide a complete package when assessing a property for signage purposes. Not only did she provide an extensive price quote for the customers, she also developed custom artwork and a marked  site map for installation purposes. Tracy took it a step further and worked closely with different Bylaw departments within the Capital Region to ensure sites were correct with current bylaw requirements. A time came when Tracy decided to leave the signage industry but her passion to give superior customer service did not cease. In fact, her following on professional networking sites grew at a phenomenal rate. One common factor that was continually expressed was that signage could be obtained but the proper location for enforcement purposes was not a priority. As this concern continued to grow, Tracy decided it was time to return to her passion and speciality within Bylaw Consulting Services. Her dream of creating a family run business was once again developed..........Wild 3 Enterprises.

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